Die Fischerin vom Bodensee 1956

Comedy Romance

Maria lives with her grandfather in a secluded fishing hut on Lake Constance where they barely survive on what the fishing grounds provide. The Bruckbergers' daughters from next door make things worse by scaring away the fish with...

All Titles
  • DE: Die Fischerin vom Bodensee Die Fischerin vom Bodensee
  • BR: O Lago Encantado O Lago Encantado
  • DK: Ved Drømmesøens bred Ved Drømmesøens bred
  • FR: La fée du Bodensee La fée du Bodensee
  • GR: Horis esena den boro na ziso Horis esena den boro na ziso
  • ES: La pescadora del lago La pescadora del lago
  • US: The Fisher-girl from Lake Bodensee The Fisher-girl from Lake Bodensee
  • DE: Die Fischerin vom Bodensee Die Fischerin vom Bodensee
Released 24 Jul 1956
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